23rd Oct, 2024

Computer Planet on Computer – Education Campaign

Exposure of the youths to the application of computer is the main activity of this institution followed by training in maintenance of the hardware and development of software. In order to make this education accessible to even financially weak youths, this institution offers as much as 75 percent discount to those who had just appeared in the S.E.E. examination every year. This scheme was aimed at attracting maximum number of youths to utilize their free time for computer education which would have otherwise wasted on non productive activities.

Twentieth Century can be regarded as the century of technological revolution because it witnessed innumerable scientific inventions in every sector. Computer is not an exception to this. With the rapid development in semiconductors computer also witnessed development by leaps and bonds. Virtually there is no field where the use of computer is not employed today. Main use of a computer is to solve complex problems in millisecond that would take thousands of hours if done manually. People with zero of minimal knowledge about computer are treated as illiterate today with minimal chance of being absorbed in the job market. Realizing the importance of computer education in the present day world computer planet was established in the year 2005. Its sole objective is to educate youths in the application of computer. So far it has produced 5000+ training graduates who are serving in different organizations in responsible posts.

Activities of Computer Planet

Exposure of the youths to the application of computer is the main activity of this institution followed by training in maintenance of the hardware and development of software. In order to make this education accessible to even financially weak youths, this institution offers as much as upto 75 percent discount to those who had just appeared in the S.E.E. examination every year. This scheme was aimed at attracting maximum number of youths to utilize their free time for computer education which would have otherwise wasted on non productive activities.

Loaning Scheme

Apart from activities undertaken as mentioned above, this institution is also serving as a facilitator for providing computers to financially handicapped schools located in the remote areas of the country. It provides computers to such schools either completely free of in a very soft loan depending upon the availability of the donors. Last year this institution made available 3 computers to JhangaJholi School in Sindhuli under a very soft loan scheme. The loan is to be paid back in 3 years period from the contribution of the students at Rs. 20 to 30 per student per month. This scheme is yielding a very encouraging result because apart from having access to the computer education the students have developed sense of belonging towards the computer because of their contribution. They take care of the computers as if they were their own property.

Request to Donors

Computer Planet humbly solicits donations from benevolent donors to achieve maximum access of students of remote areas to computer education. Donors can participate in this noble cause in two ways. They can either donate money to purchase computers from the market and later distribute to most needy schools or they can play the role of guarantee to seek loan from financial institutions. In the latter case the money will be refunded after recouping the same from the recipient schools within 2 to 3 years.

In order to ensure the donors that the money raised is fully utilized for the cause of computer education, the handover of the computer will be done a midst a brief ceremony to be attended by representatives of District Education Office, District Education Committee and parents of the schools. Video clips of the handover ceremony will sent to the donors along with the receipt of the computer which will be duly authenticated by District Education Office or District Education Committee.

With the above safety measures enforced, we can assure the donors that money donated will be fully utilized for such a noble cause. Computer Planet solemnly pleads the prospective donors to come forward with open hands to help us help the students of geographically disadvantaged areas of the country to have access to computer education.

What our students says!

  • Rajiv Shahi

    Prof. Graphic Designing

    This Institution gives sufficient course and helps to learn many things. Instructor gives the reply of all the questions. This Institution gives all excellent teaching about Computers.

  • Niroj Pandey

    Adv. Hardware/Network

    Computer Planet, the practical spot for the learners to get enggaged in the computerized modern era, is a well managed and equipped intitution to inform the interested people about comuter honestly and sincerely.

  • Bishal Rauniyar

    Prof. Webpage Designing

    Computer Planet is a very friendly computers training spot where everyone can learn computer easily. The teaching methodology of teachers is very good to provide quality computer based training to students. Computer Planet is excellent to help more and more students to learn computer.

  • Urmila Shrestha

    Adv. Office Package

    Computer Planet is well professional courses. The professional training center for SEE students to know about computer course.

  • श्रीकृष्ण उपाध्याय

    Prof. Graphic Designing

    मलाई यो कम्प्यूटर प्लानेट एकदमै राम्रो लाग्यो, यहाँको पढाउने शैली राम्रो भएकाले सबै कुराहरू बुझ्नसकिन्छ ।

  • Aryan Shrestha


    It was a good experience to learn new things from Computer Planet. The knowledge given from here would help in my future life. I love Cplanet.

  • Anjali Shah

    Adv. Web Development

    Computer Planet is the best class ever. Our sir is very respectful to all. All teachers are eco-friendly, they teach very nice. Thank you Computer Planet.